Black Friday wouldn't be complete without a Black Friday FREEBIE!
I jumped on my blog today and found that I got nominated for the Liebster Blog! Thanks so much to Mrs. Leeby for nominating me for The Liebster Award.The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated and to help spread the word about new blogs.

The rules:
- You must post 11 random things about yourself.
- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
- No tag back (but please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you)!
Random facts about ME:
1. I have wanted to be a teachers since I was little! I would play school with my little cousins growing up during family get togethers!
2. I LOVE football! Go Pack Go!
3. I have a Fantasy Football team named Pink Glitter Sparkle and I am in FIRST place! Yes, I am beating my husband and ALL his friends!
4. I love the color pink
5. My favorite drink is Diet Coke
6. I have ALWAYS wanted to teach kindergarten
7. My favorite food is rice! I think it was the first thing I learned how to make so it just has stuck with me
8. I secretly wish I could drive a semi and sleep on the side of the road in my truck...I know, so weird! Haha!
9. Right now I am obsessed with Abby Lee's Ultimate Dance Competition and am counting down the days until Pretty Little Liar and Biggest Loser starts again
10. My favorite store every is Target! Seriously, I live within walking distance to one which is not always a good thing ;)
11. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday!
Questions asked by Mrs. Leeby:
1. Do you play an instrument?
No, but I did play the recorder in 4th grade, like every other 4th grader! :)2. Where have you travelled?
My mom was a travel agent when I was growing up so I have been all over! :)3. What is your favorite thing to cook or your favorite recipe?
4. How long have you been teaching?
3 years
5. What's your zodiac sign?
6. Camping or hotel on a beautiful summer weekend?
Camping is so fun but only for one night!
7. Most embarrasing blogging moment?
I'm still a rookie blogger so I think in every post there is something I have done wrong! However, my dad did make up an account to comment on my blog one time. So one day I had a comment from a person named "Daddio" who said his daughter would love all these teaching ideas...haha! Oh dad!
8. Bath or shower?
9. Wine or beer?
Umm both!?
10. Real or fake Christmas tree?
Real! Love the smell!11. Is bloggging taking over all of your free time?
Yes, duh! Thanks to Mrs. Leeby I would have never even started!
Questions to my nominations:
1. If you didn't teach the grade you do now, which grade would you want to teach?
2. What is your favorite holiday?
3. Where would you want live if you didn't live where you currently live?
4. What is your favorite hobby, besides blogging?;)
5. What is your favorite sports team?
6. Are you a risk taker?
7. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
8. Favorite place to visit?
9. Favorite season and why?
10. What was your first ever job?
11. What is your favorite teaching memory?
Blogs I am Nominating:
1. Keeping it Kool In KinderLand
2. Crazy about First Grade
3. Special Teacher for Special Kids
4. Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners
5. Kindergarten Pals
6. Tales of a First Grade Teacher
7. Kindergarten Faith
8. I Heart Recess
9. Kinderpillars
10. Love, Laughter, and Lesson Plans
11. Kindergarten Kel
Don't forget that Monday and Tuesday I am having a TpT sale!! Whoo Cyber Monday and Tuesday! Check out my latest winter pack- Let it Snow!
I nominated you for The Liebster Award! Stop over at my blog to check it out! Yes, I got you double nominated. Oops! Extra blog love to you! No need to answer my ?'s too.
The Lower Elementary Cottage
Thank you so much! :)
DeleteHi there!
ReplyDeleteI am your newest follower! I love your blog and thanks for the freebie.
Please stop by my blog sometime.
Thirsty Firsties
I am so glad you like it! Thank you and I will head over now! :)
DeleteThanks for the nomination!
You are welcome! :)
DeleteLOL --- oops I nominated you too. congratulations you are catching all our eyes!
ReplyDeleteCheck it out here:
Aww thank you so much! I love all the bloggy love!
DeleteI also nominated you because you're amazing and I love your blog! (Whoops!) :) You can find it here: Some Liebster Love
Fun in PreK-1
Omg thanks! You are so sweet! :)
DeleteYou deserve it! :)
ReplyDeleteKimberly Ann,
ReplyDeleteYour blog is adorable! I'm your latest follower. :)
Thanks for the cute penguin activity!
Teaching Fabulous Firsties!
Thank you so very much for the nomination!!!
Crazy About First Grade