/> Friendship Mix | Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

Friendship Mix

My friend shared this idea with me and I thought it was the cutest idea to bring to the classroom. 
Her daughter's class was asked to bring in their favorite snack in to help make "Friendship Mix". 

It is a great way to talk about working together and understanding that everyone is different.  Each kiddo brought in their favorite snack and they mixed it all together to bring home.

I thought this was a great activity to do at any time of the year, but perfect for the beginning of the year when everyone is getting to know each other. 

I put together a quick note to send home to parents and a label that you can staple or tape to the top of the baggie of mix.  I included a note asking for nut-free snacks in case a kiddo in your room has an allergy. 

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