/> 2012 | Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten
ONE MORE DAY!!  That is all that is separating me and a fabulous two week break filled with family time, one of my BFF'...
The last Wednesday we are in school every month we have an early release day!   I try to make it a themed day and today we had a Candy Cane...
Two days done and three more to go!  Tomorrow is an early release day too!  My kiddos love Write the Room activities.  Today, I used an act...
Friday!  I hope everyone is preparing for one final week of school before break or if this was your final week ...You made it! :)  Enjoy!  I...
Tomorrow is finally Friday!!  Then, one more week and 2 weeks off, but who's counting ;)!  Today, was another fun filled gingerbrea...
Wow!  Finally, Wednesday!  Did I mention we didn't have school Monday and this week still seems long!  At least we are having lots of ...
12 favorite things!  12. Favorite movie you watched: I am seriously not a movie person!  I just need to be in the mood to s...
Minnesota is getting quite the snow storm right now!  Fine with me since I can stay cozy inside watching football all day with the hubby!  H...