/> Theme: Leaves | Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

Theme: Leaves

It is officially fall!  We started some fall activities this week and plan on adding different ones for the next month!

This week we focused a lot on leaves!  Some of the leaves by us are already changing so it was fun to see the differences in the trees!

 We are lucky enough that our weather still feels like summer!  We headed outside and went on a fall hunt and looked for different things outside that could remind us about fall.  I'll be honest the only things that really reminds us of fall are the colored leaves and acorns on the ground, so I added a couple of extra things to find along the way!
Fall wouldn't be complete without a little raking activity!  Perfect gross motor activity to get the little guy moving and making piles of the leaves we have on the ground so far!

 Indoors we did a fall colors match.  We used foam leaf stickers and matched the colored dots to them on our paper.  Super easy prep and fun to bring out the seasonal stickers!
 Fall weather usually calls for soup-"Fall Soup"!  We dyed our water with red and yellow, then added leaves and pumpkins!
We had fun scooping and serving up some soup!  
I found the pumpkins at Target years ago, but the leaf table scatter I found on Amazon!
We also added these leaves to some shaving cream and had fun finding the pieces in the shaving cream.  I added a bucket of water, so we could clean the leaves after we found them.  This was a great sensory bin because we got to feel a new texture!

We used the leaf table scatter to practice counting and one to one correspondence! We rolled a dice and added that many leaves to the tree.  I would write the number so we could get extra practice at seeing that number along with the dots!

Along with our "Fall Hunt" we went on a leaf hunt!  We found different colored leaves around our neighborhood.
Once we found the leaves we used them to practice cutting!  Such an easy center to create and a great way to have fun cutting something other than paper!
The little guy is learning the letter 'L' in preschool, so it was only fitting to use some of our extra leaves to decorate the letter 'L'!

Grab some of the activities we did HERE!

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