/> 3 Ways to use a Benji Plushie for Learning | Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

3 Ways to use a Benji Plushie for Learning

 I was gifted the cutest bear plushie by Everyday Educate and wanted to share some ways you can incorporate their Benji Bear into your classroom.

Who is Benji the Bear?

Benji is a reversible plushie (stuffed animal) that shows a sad face on one side and a happy face on the other.  He is soft, versatile, and smells like CHOCOLATE!

How do I use him at home or in the classroom?

Benji can be used in many ways.  He can be used as a snuggly stuffed animal or you can incorporate him into different learning activities. I am going to share a few right now!

Helping children identify emotions

Helping your children identify emotions is the biggest thing that Benji can help your child with. Since he shows two different emotions it is easy to start your learning there!  You can have discussions about how you look when you are happy or sad, you can have your child show you each emotion on Benji or by drawing!

I wrote happy and sad on a piece of paper.  Then, I had my girls draw them as happy and sad.  You can extend it for older kids and have them write what makes them happy or sad.

Learning the 5 Senses

Benji is soft, he has a scent, and he can change from happy to sad. He makes the perfect toy for your five senses unit.  Passing Benji around the room and talking about the five senses will give your kids a different way to explore the five senses.  You will have a great discussion when it comes to the taste sense.  "Benji does smell like chocolate, but can we eat him?! NO!"  Your kids will learn so much!

Gross Motor Ideas

Since he is so soft, he makes the perfect size for playing catch.  You can throw him to a friend, identify his emotion, then throw him back.  You could even put him behind your back to change the emotion then surprise your friend with what they will catch.

One more fun gross motor activity would be to tape the words sad and happy to the wall.  Have your child toss Benji to the matching sign based on if he is happy or sad.  You could also call out an emotion and have your child switch him to the appropriate side then toss.  

There are so many possibilities with this cute little plushie!

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