I had some people reach out on my Instagram wondering what our daily schedule will look like once school starts!
My son will be in Pre-K, but we will be doing Pre-K at home this year instead of having him go to a class 2 days a week. We feel this will be best for our family :)
We have a pretty great schedule that we started once COVID started and we will continue you that throughout the school year. We do learning activities every day and during the school year we won't change much. I will probably focus more on what he needs and try to focus more on those things!
Along with my Pre-K kiddo, I have two toddlers so I will also be adapting activities for them to do, too!
Here is what our schedule looks like! All times are very flexible. Every day is different and since we are doing activities every day there is wiggle room to skip over something one day then do it the next.
I am going to break it down for you:
Wake up/Get Ready/Breakfast: This is pretty self explanatory. If there is any extra time between any of these things the kiddos play. You're probably wondering where play time is. It is always our go to when we finish up something.
Books/Puzzles: We don't always start with a book or puzzle, but it does keep the morning flowing better. Especially if we read a book that will go along with our activities for the morning. Puzzles will be out as a choice after activities, too!
Activity Time: This is a time to get some academics into our day. We will use packs from my store, sensory bins, and other learning supplies! Below are some ideas of skills that we will work on and things that are important to know going into kindergarten. Does your child need to know every single thing? No! Does it help to expose these concepts to them before kindergarten? Yes! Honestly, anything helps (former kindergarten teacher here) so reading books and playing HELPS!
These are the main subjects we hit during our mornings. I try to do an art project and set out 2-3 other activities to do. Does that mean we don't do science or social studies? Nope-we still do those! You might see "Computer" and think "wait, what?" I started giving my son some computer time after he completed all the activities then taking time with my toddlers to do a simple activity with them! We LOVE ABC Mouse and VOOKS! I added YouTube because they have great learning videos and songs that we watch some days, too!
Snack/Outdoor/Gross Motor Activity: After Activity Time we head outside! We usually spend time outside until lunch time if the weather permits! We go for a walk, have a snack, ride our bikes, etc. If the weather doesn't permit outside time, then we head to our basement. We have an unfinished basement so we can ride bikes down there and get in some energy out!
Lunch: We eat lunch ;) Then, play until nap time!
Nap Time/TV Time: My toddlers nap and my oldest gets TV time! I work and usually hand out a million snacks to him ;)
Snack/Outside Time: After nap we head back outside! We usually just play until it is time for dinner. Some days if we have don't nap or wake up early from nap then I have a messy activity that we can do outside (water bins, shaving cream, etc).
This is a long post but gives a quick overview of our day. We try to follow this schedule as closely as we can each day and it has worked well for us. I don't put a lot of pressure on if we miss something or something doesn't work out because hello, three little kids don't always follow a schedule ;)
If you have any questions, please reach out!
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